Attributes in bold are required.
Delivery Date / Pickup Date
(month & date)
PLEASE NOTE: Delivery Days are: Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday (NOT Tuesday!) and Delivery Hours are 9am to 4pm:

Type Card Message
(message needs to fit on a 3" x 2" enclosure card. If no card needed please enter "n/a'):

List Special Instructions concerning
delivery date/time or flower choices/substitutions:
  - add a nice hand written greeting card ($5)
  Add 10 Piece Milk Chocolate Sampler
  Add 10 Piece Milk Chocolate Sampler
  Add 12 Piece Gluten-Free Chocolate Sampler
  Add 12 Piece Dairy-Free Chocolate Sampler
  Add 16 Piece Milk Chocolate - Chocolate Tiles
  Add 16 Piece Dark Chocolate - Chocolate Tiles